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How to get the best from your Heart Rate

What is HR Training?

With this type of training you can forget about the pace your running at, but instead focus on what your heart rate is doing.

Depending on the type of run you’re doing will affect the heart rate zone your wanting to run in.

Heart rate training is very personal as we all have different resting heart rates and therefore different maximum heart rates. So you’ll find a beginner or a retuning to running runner will have a different maximum heart rate to somebody who is an experienced runner.  

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Don't Let Asthma Stop You

Don’t Let Your Asthma Stop You

I was diagnosed with asthma as a teenager. I was so active and playing sports daily, I couldn’t understand why I was getting out of breath so easily and struggling to recover compared to the rest of my team mates.

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Why do you take part?

What does sportsmanship mean to you?

Sportsmanship is “an understanding of and commitment to fair play, ethical behaviour and integrity, and general goodwill toward an opponent. It is an affirmation that an athlete is disciplined enough to have perspective, maintain poise and do what is best for his or her teammates”

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The most common injured area is...

Many of you will know about the issue I’ve had with my knee over the last few months, thanks to some body boarding and ‘old lady breaststroke’ during the August bank holiday weekend.

Its turns out I’ve torn part of the cartilage in my knee, and I now have the long slow recovery process to work through, as I’m very keen to avoid a surgery on it.

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Want to shave 5 minutes off your PB?

A Personal Best and 5 minutes shaved off Robin Hood Half-Marathon

“The day of the Robin Hood half-marathon went better than I imagined! I felt strong, stuck to the plan, and didn’t stop running once! In past years I would have had a walking break after 8/9 miles, but this time I just kept going and going and got myself a PB! Shaving 5 mins off my previous best. All the hard work with Gemma certainly paid off and I can’t thank her enough for her continued support in helping me achieve my goal!” – Kishan Rabheru.

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