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To help people maximise the benefits of their training, we offer sports massage therapy.

A sports massage can help everybody, from elite athletes to office workers. We use a range of techniques to work on specific areas of the body to help relieve any aches and pains that you might be feeling.

As part of the Sports Massage we also offer a techniques that include Myofasical Decompression Cupping and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation. 

Do you:

  • Have knots that need working on?
  • Feel tight and achy after training?
  • Have a race or other sports event coming up you want to be in great shape for?
  • Have injuries that don’t seem to go away?
  • Get lower back pain and feel tense?
  • Get neck or shoulder pain from sitting at a desk at work?

If so, you could benefit from having regular sports massages.

During your first appointment, one of our massage therapists will go through a full postural analysis and a range of movement assessment with you so that we can really work out what is going on with your body and muscles. We will then design your treatment plan to deliver exactly what you need to get you back to great health and fitness.

Initial appointments, including the assessment, are for 60 minutes and cost £50.

Future appointments are then:

45 minutes: £45

60 minutes: £50

If you're a member, you get 10% off each massage and we have appointments available on most days of the week and at a variety of different times. If you’d like to book, just get in touch via our contact form.

Please note any sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will require payment in full.