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Blog Tag: foot pain

Foam Rolling and Trigger Point 101

You might have seen over the weekend on my instagram stories I raided Aldi's middle isle and got my hands on some new kit for the studio.
One of these bits was a vibrating foam roller. I'd heard lots of positive things about them and they can be less painful to use than a normal foam roller. Since getting it myslef and some clients have already had a practise on it to test it out. 
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Do you ever get foot pain and wonder what it is?

How You Can Avoid Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis, also known as jogger's heel is a disorder that results in pain at the bottom of the foot and heel. It derives its names from the plantar fascia, which is the flat band of tissue (ligament) connecting your heel to your toes. When strained, this ligament becomes irritated, swollen and weak, resulting in sharp pain that is experienced in the onset of exercise, or movement after a  prolonged rest period.

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